Thursday, September 16, 2010

brave, like looters in a burning town

Set 2 of Self-Portraits of You turned out pretty fantastic. And I've decided to add another level to the project by drawing/painting some of the portraits. Or maybe all of them, who knows.

So far, no one has refused my request, but a few people thought they were funny. haha.

stunning! (& not just because it was taken by my terribly beautiful daughter)
take 1 (pretty/gross)
take 2 (better!)
take 1
take 2 (disembodied head = better)
smiling bartenders make better tips
drunk patrons smile more (holy fingernail, batman!)
breathtaking (in a seedy nightclub kind of way)
creepy (in a Leprechaun meets Planet of the Apes kind of way)

trust me, he's the nicest dork you'll ever meet
two ghosts are better than one (that's my ghost in the background!)
"I don't do drugs. I am drugs." -Salvador Dali
isn't she lovely?
is this like some kind of social experiment or something?
so, you think you're a wise guy, eh?
some faces speak for themselves
even the bar took a picture of itself!
some people prefer to be in front of the camera rather than behind it

Overall, the results were fruitful, if a bit dark. But that's how I like it! And I think you're going to like my interpretation of you.


Alden Nowlan

From that they found most lovely, most abhorred,
my parents made me: I was born like sound
stroked from the fiddle to become the ward
of tunes played on the bear-trap and the hound.

Not one, but seven entrances they gave
each to the other, and he laid her down
the way the sun comes out. Oh, they were brave,
and then like looters in a burning town.

Their mouths left bruises, starting with the kiss
and ending with the proverb, where they stayed;
never in making was there brighter bliss,
followed by darker shame. Thus I was made.


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